Review #41 – Geer Street Garden (Durham, NC)
Geer Street Garden (Durham)
Durham’s popular Geer Street Garden—spitting distance from Duke Tower—offers one burger, infinite ways. The third of its three listed toppings—bacon, cheese, and “What-Have-You”—summoned the inner Seuss in each of us…
Chad’s Review
The What-Have-You
Is a mystery ingredient
Any topping from the menu
Exotic or expedient
To keep my burger
From going commando
I asked the server
For bacon and pimento
Good bun, excellent patty
Pimento cheese a little bland
But the bacon made me happy
Truly, it was grand
I give it a four
Don’s Review
We had a quest,
A burger to find,
To fill our stomachs
And make happy our minds
Geer Street Garden our target,
And studying the menu
Found a short burger listing,
Could this be a snafu?
There in the print options
To top off the ground moo
Were listed not many
One option: “What-Have-You”
Oh! The confusion it caused
To be given such choices
As many as you could think
As many as there are voices
The What-Have-You I imaged
Was simple to please
Bacon, fried egg,
Grilled onions, and cheese
I took the first bite
And was greeted by pleasure
The egg yolk had broken
With simple biting pressure
The burger was good,
With a slight over-cook
But that did not keep it
From 4.25 in my book
Michael’s Review
With the What-Have-You in plain view
And so much to choose from
My mind was racing
With quite a conundrum
Do I go classic
Or try something daring?
I had to choose soon
The server was staring
I scanned the menu,
And something caught my eye
I thought, “Do I dare
Or will they think me high?”
With conviction in my mind
And resolve in my voice,
“Mashed potatoes and bacon
That will be my choice”
Tempted by the What-Have-You
I didn’t know what was in store
It turned out quite tasty
I give it a four
Scott’s Review
Time for a burger!
Today is your day
You’re off to Geer Street Garden
You’re off and away!
Your stomach is growlin’
You’re ready to feed
One burg on the menu?
Just follow its lead!
And now to choose condiments
There sure are a lot
Gruyere, “srirachanaise,”
And peppers so hot
But what’s this you see?
A topping that’s new?
It could be just anything!
Its name? The “What-Have-You”
You say you’ll go simple
Garlic aioli and bleu
The combo so right
It makes you say “ooh”
“The score will be high!”
Says this burger reporter
For Geer Street’s What-Have-You
It’s a four and a quarter!