Focus on Takeout — Lindley Mills (Graham, NC)

Ciabatta rolls proofing on a couche. Recipe is from Peter Reinhart’s “Bread Baker’s Apprentice”
Like many of us, I’ve been baking a little more than usual. And like many of us, I’ve been frustrated that store shelves remain empty of flour, yeast, and other baking necessities. Apparently, all of America has gone sourdough crazy.
Lindley Mills to the rescue. Lindley Mills is an organic specialty flour mill in Graham, NC, that has been milling flour since 1755. They supply Weaver Street Market, all of Ashley Christensen’s restaurants, and bakeries across North Carolina. When I was working on a book about cooking from scratch I used to call ahead and pick up 25lb sacks of flour from their loading dock, going through one about every six weeks. Now they have a handy online ordering system and home delivery. Like many flour suppliers they’re a bit backordered, so it took two weeks to receive my flour. Twenty five pounds is a lot of flour, but their prices are much more reasonable than ordering from King Arthur or other online sources. Stored in an airtight container (I keep mine in our outside fridge), you flour will stay fresh for quite a while.

An 18qt Cambro container will hold a full 25lb sack of flour
If you don’t need 25 pounds of flour, La Farm bakery in Cary offers online ordering for curbside pickup or delivery by DoorDash. They have 5lb sacks of their bread flour, whole wheat flour, SAF yeast, and their own sourdough starter to get you, well, started.

A Poolish is a wet starter, like a sourdough starter but using a small amount of commercial yeast
— Chad